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Elisa A. and Bill S.

Certified Consultant

(561) 291-3869

My Story

In early 2011 at my office building there was a Scentsy event, as I attend most of the events that are in the lobby I decided to make my way to this one too.  I didn't know anything about Scentsy nor had I ever heard of them before.  Well the couple that was selling it gave me a nice lesson about the warmers and how they work, let me smell all their scents and I instantly fell in love with them so I bought a warmer and 6 bars which I took home.  It was great because the house smelled amazing and I could leave it on all day and night without having to worry about the dogs knocking it over and burning the house down.   Since then every homeshow or event we attended that we come across the Scentsy vendor we have to buy more of the bars to ensure we had plenty of them.  We continued to buy more warmers, one for my office, another one for the house to the point that we have four warmers at the house and want to get more to have one for every room.  Since we love all the Scentsy products so much we finally decided that we should be part of the team and sell them to everyone we know.  They truly are safe to have in any home, especially those with children or pets, becasue you don't have to worry about a flame that can catch the place on fire. The warmers use a low watt light bulb to melt the wax and make the room smell wonderful.    

What's warming in my home